ࡱ> 130a jbjbA]A] (+?+? $(P`t<(K$ ,oRL 56p0KEE(($ L((L The ϲʿ Newcastle upon Tyne and North East Coast Section TWENTY EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held at 6.30 pm Tuesday, 20th May 2008 Ellison Building, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the Twenty Sixth Annual General Meeting 3. Matters arising there from 4. Chairman's Remarks 5. Secretary's Report 6. Treasurer's Report 7. Election of Officers, Committee and Auditors 8. Report from Benevolent Fund Representative 9. Social Activities 10. Any other Business Officers In accordance with Rule 6(c) and Rule 6(a) Dr J Perry retires as Chairman and is succeeded by the current Vice-chairman Prof R A Henderson. Nominations are invited for Officers for the year 2008/09 Any fifteen members of the Section may nominate a member of the Section for any of the positions of Officer, provided the nomination is received, in writing, by the Honorary Secretary by Tuesday 13th May 2008, together with the written approval of the nominee. Committee Under Rule 6(f) Dr F Smail and Dr L Speed retire and there are two casual vacancies: there are therefore four vacancies for ordinary members of the Committee. Any two members of the Section may nominate a member of the Section for a vacancy on the Committee, provided the nomination is received, in writing, by the Honorary Secretary by Tuesday 13th May 2008, together with the written approval of the nominee. If the nominations received exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot will be held at the Annual General Meeting. (Rule 6(h)). Auditor The Committee suggests that Dr Alan Jones (Northumbria) be appointed as Auditor. 20 Apr 2007 I.A.S.EDWARDS (Hon. Secretary) The Annual General Meeting will be preceded by a Reception at 6.00 pm and followed by a talk and buffet supper: Spectroscopy in a Suitcase one of the RSC's new education initiatives by Dr. Andrew Beeby (Durham University) All members who attend the Annual General Meeting and their guests are invited to the reception, the talk and the supper. The contribution to the cost of the supper will be 5.00 per person. Please book using the form below before Tuesday, 13th May 2008. To be returned by Tuesday, 13th May 2008 To: Dr. I. A. S. Edwards, Chemistry, Bedson Building, Mobile: 07768 923 077 The University, Tel: 0191 488 1969 Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU. E-mail: Ian.Edwards@ncl.ac.uk I wish to book for the Supper following the AGM on Tuesday 20th May 2008. I shall be accompanied by ............. guests. I enclose a cheque for .............. , made out to RSC, Newcastle Section to contribute to the costs. Name: Address: ........................................ ....................................... ........................................ ........................................ Signed: ........................................ ....................................... ........................................ QSwy5?  6 ? . 0 K v јјјјысvbO$h JhCQCJ$OJQJaJmH sH 'h JhCQ5CJ0OJQJaJmH sH hCQ5CJOJQJhCQCJOJQJhrhCQCJOJQJhCQ>*CJOJQJhCQ56CJOJQJ!hrhCQ56>*CJOJQJhrhCQ56CJOJQJhCQCJOJQJhCQ5>*OJQJhCQ5>*CJOJQJhCQ5>*CJOJQJ !RSxy Bax p@ ! d8]^$ p@ !d8]^a$$ p@ !d]^a$$ p@ ! d]^a$45>?      p@ ! d8]^ p@ ! 2d8]2^ p@ ! d]^ p@ ! d8]^ p@ ! d8]^ 5 6 > ? . / 0 $ p@ !d]^a$ p@ !hd]^hgdCQ p@ ! xd8]x^gdCQ p@ ! d]^ p@ ! d8]^ 0 K \ v w z { { p@ !d&dP]^ p@ !d]^$ p@ !d`]^a$gdCQ$ p@ !d]^a$$ p@ !d1$7$8$H$]^a$gdCQv w z { P`qrϼhCQhCQ>*CJOJQJhCQCJOJQJhCQ5CJOJQJhCQ5OJQJh{hCQ5CJ OJQJ$h{hCQCJ OJQJaJmH sH 'hzqhCQ5CJ(OJQJaJmH sH h JhCQ5CJ OJQJh JhCQ5CJOJQJ!F p@ !xd]x^ p@ !d]^ p@ !8.d]^ p@ !8d]^ p@ !.d]^ p@ ! d]^ qr*]|||jjj p@ !d]^ p@ !xd]^ p@ !x]^gdCQ p@ ! d]^ p@ !d]^ p@ !xd]x^ p@ !d]^  p@ !xd]^ p@ !d]^ ]^C 0000 h0PA h.!"#$% P YC 00h0P:pCQA h.!"k#$h% P YT@T Normal p@ !]^d@CJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List : @: Footer p@ !9r :@: Header p@ !9r 8O8 Header Stylea$8O"8 Footer Stylea$<O2< Footnote StyleCJ^T@B^ Block Text$ p@ !x]^d CJOJQJ (E( s  !RSxy Bax45>? 56>?./0K\vwz{! F   q r * ] 0ʀ0ʀ0000ʀ00ʀ000000ʀ0ʀ00000000ʀ000ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ0000ʀ00ʀ000000ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ@0@00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ@00ʀ0ʀ@00ʀ0ʀ@0@0@0@0@0@0@00ʀ@0@0@0@0@00ʀ@0@0@000ɀ000 @0"@Z8p8Xv   0    OLE_LINK1^ .3V[ KN\_wyV _  . 0 4 :::::::: @(< @ @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial3Times9New York"A &ĆĆ_ +xx>d CW`+UTvThe Royal Society of ChemistryIASE Ian Edwards Oh+'0  8 D P \hpx' The ϲʿIASENormal Ian Edwards8Microsoft Word 11.3.8@@bҥ@\x@bҥ_  ՜.+,0  hp  'E&IE  The ϲʿ Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry F۷ڥ41TableEWordDocument(SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObjX FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8