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(Add 10% for registration after the closing date) Exhibitor Charges and Fees Exhibition space with one delegate included 200; each additional delegate 90 or 100 Total Payment Enclosed (made by cheque/BACS, see overleaf) .. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary Requirements (Tick/complete as appropriate) Vegetarian ( Vegan ( Other dietary requirements (e.g. gluten free etc) please state:______________________________________ I wish to register for the EMSSIG Workshop 2012 and enclose the payment of the total amount shown above. *Declaration for Students : I certify that ___________________________is a bona fide student Signature of Supervisor ____________________________ University____________________ Delegate Details Name: _____________________________________ Title:___________ Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________Fax____________________ Payment Information Account holder: Society for Food and Agricultural Immunology Address: Account number:12292238 ; Sort code: 40-17-14 Bank name and address: HSBC, 47 Eastgate Street, Chester CH1 1XW Currency: Payment by cheque should be in sterling Data Protection Statement The information provided on this registration form will be held on computer for the purposes of the organisation and running of the EMSSIG Workshop 2012 meeting in 2012. Details (name and address) may be passed onto the exhibitors at the meeting. If you DO NOT wish for your details to be used please indicate by ticking in the box below: Information to Exhibitors ( A Delegates list (name and affiliation, only) will be produced and issued to all delegates and exhibitors. If you DO NOT wish your information to be included please indicate by ticking the box below: Delegates List ( Reply address & e-mail for attachments: c.x.smith@mmu.ac.uk Prof. Chris Smith, MFRC, Hollings Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M14 6HR Tel No: 0161247 2655 Abstracts The deadline for submission of abstracts, for oral and poster presentation, is 2 weeks before the meeting date. Abstracts must be submitted to  HYPERLINK "mailto:PeterBaugh682@hotmail.com" PeterBaugh682@hotmail.com or online to  HYPERLINK "http://www.analyticalmethodologycentre.co.uk" www.analyticalmethodologycentre.co.uk for which a user name or e-mail address and password are required. Please indicate if the abstract is for an oral or poster presentation, if the former, a bio for the presenter must be added. "#|~    6 8 : = E J d ~      T U _ »҈||v|v|v|v|p|j hlWTCJ h$=CJ hBCJ h^CJ ht3CJ h${CJh${56CJ\]hJ56CJ\]h^6CJ]h^56CJ\] h^6]h^56\] h^CJh^ht3h^5CJ \h5CJ \h15CJ \h:5CJ \aJ )#}~ = ` - .  ( &d P $a$gd${(](]$a$_ ` a g z      , - . T j     & ' ƾƨۤ۝ۖ蝖}y}h:ht3h^5CJ\ jh^5CJ\ h^6] h^5\h${ h>CCJhlWTh h]h["h8hqOhO hO56hOhO56h^h:5CJ\h^5CJ\h${5CJ\ h^CJ. _CwQRSgRST &d P gd1dh9<guw(Tn   Y_`aμμ곭ڢ h^5H*hsV h^CJ  jh^CJ h: ht35 h85h8ht3h"h= h^5 h^6]h${h^ h^CJh^56CJ\]@TnoZopz{$a$ &d P abnoz{  :;<UVdex *Gjٸӯӟٸәӓ h\/BCJ h*CJjh%Zh1CJUh1h1CJh%Zh10JCJjh%Zh1CJU h1CJjh1CJUh:hGm h^CJ h^5\h8h^!,1h. 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