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Its restaurants are quite famous and give excellent samples of the typical cucina ligure, a combination of both seafood and meat, a natural union of the products which prevail in the region. Villa Marigola is situated just a short walk from the centre of Lerici and is located in the green of an age-old tree park. Lerici is near the Cinque Terre, famous worldwide for the splendid walks in very attractive scenery (http://www.rivieradellaliguria.com/en/cinqueterre.html). Registration and Accommodation Registration fees before March 14th. After this date 50 must be added to the registration fees. RSC or SCI Members 300 Non RSC or SCI members 400 Postgraduate Students (see after) and Retired Members 150 A deposit of 150 for the accommodation costs is required on registration, with the balance being payable directly to the appropriate hotel on departure. Registration and accommodation reservations should be made on the enclosed registration form which, together with the appropriate remittance by credit card, cheque or bank transfer (in euro, c/c n. 000000171156, SCI-Convegni - CIN E, ABI 03104, CAB 03203, IBAN: IT80 E031 0403 2030 0000 0171 156, SWIFT (BIC): DEUTITM1584. Deutsche Bank - Agenzia D - Piazza Cuba 2 - 00198 Roma), should be returned not later than 14th March 2008 to Manuela Mostacci, Societ Chimica Italiana, Viale Liegi 48c, Roma 00198, Italy (fax +39068548734, e-mail: manuelamostacci.sci@agora.it). These payments must be in euro and cheques should be made payable to Societ Chimica Italiana. The registration fee includes: lunch on Friday and Saturday, coffee breaks on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, social dinner on Friday evening. Breakfast will be served at the hotels whilst lunches and coffee breaks will be served at Villa Marigola. Travel Lerici (about 70 km from Pisa airport) can be reached by bus or taxi from La Spezia (10 km) and from Sarzana (8 km), which have regular rail (see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.trenitalia.com/en/index.html" http://www.trenitalia.com/en/index.html) connections to Pisa airport. For information on daily British Airways or Ryanair flights to/from Pisa airport, see: http://www.pisa-airport.com. Scientific Programme The scientific programme will take place on Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday. The following distinguished Scientists have agreed to give plenary lectures: Prof. Cinzia Chiappe (University of Pisa, Italy) Prof. Karl Gademann (Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne, Switzerland) Prof. Alan R Katritzky (University of Florida, USA) Prof. Alfredo M Ricci (University of Bologna, Italy) Prof. Nigel Simpkins (University of Birmingham, UK) Prof. E Jim Thomas (University of Manchester, UK) The plenary speakers will be accompanied by oral contributions and by a poster session. Participants wishing to present an oral or poster contribution should indicate their preference on the registration form: details for abstract preparation are provided hereinafter. The official language of the meeting will be English. Social Events A number of social events are planned, such as the Conference Banquet on Friday evening. Postgraduate Bursaries Up to 20 postgraduate accommodation bursaries will be awarded to registered postgraduate students. Anyone wishing to be considered for postgraduate bursaries should fill the postgraduate bursary application form enclosing a brief curriculum before February 20th. Bursars will be notified about acceptance of their application before March 5th. The bursars are expected to pay the registration fee ( 150) before March 14th and should be prepared to share a twin room and present at least a poster at the meeting. The organising committee will distribute the bursaries based on the quality of the abstracts and with the aim of providing an appropriate distribution across as many institutions as possible. Note that these bursaries are available to both UK and Italian postgraduate students. Scientific and Organising Committee Dr. C. G. Fortuna (Catania, Secretary), Prof. K. Jones (London), Prof. R. Jones (Loughborough), Prof. G. Musumarra (Catania), Prof. R. Neier (Neuchtel), Prof. P. OBrien (York), Prof. G. Petrillo (Genova), Prof. D. Spinelli (Bologna, Chairman). 11th RSC-SCI Joint Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry Lerici (Italy), 8th-11th May 2008 Registration Form Name (and title): Name of accompanying person: (if applicable) Affiliation:  11th RSC-SCI Joint Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry Lerici (Italy), 8th-11th May 2008 Scientific Contribution Form Please fill in this form and send it to the Meeting Secretariat Dr. Cosimo G. Fortuna, tel: +39-0957385004, fax: +39-095580138, e-mail: cg.fortuna@unict.it not later than March 14th 2008. Name Affiliation Address Phone Fax E-mail Title of contribution: Other Authors: I intend to present it as an % ORAL % POSTER communication. I accept / do not accept to present a poster communication in place of the oral. To maintain a consistent appearance, all abstracts must be prepared according to the following style: Maximum space limit is 1 page only! Times New Roman font (Symbol font for special characters) and single spacing throughout. 14 Points boldface font for the abstract title (Title + 14 pt, Not Small caps). One blank line between abstract title and authors names. 12 Point normal font for authors names (BB_Author_Name + Times New Roman, 12 pt). Presenting author underlined (BB_Author_Name+Times New Roman, 12pt, Underline). One blank line between authors names and affiliations. Affiliations distinguished by superscript numbers if necessary. 12 Point italic font for affiliations (Normal + Italic). 10 Point italic font for E-mail address of presenting author (Hyperlink). One blank line between address and the beginning of the abstract. 12 Point normal font for the text. 10 Point normal font for references placed at the end of the abstract (according to JACS). Maximum usable area for abstracts is 16.0 cm wide and 24.0 cm high. Please send to: Dr. Cosimo G. Fortuna, fax: +39-095580138, e-mail: cg.fortuna@unict.it 11th RSC-SCI Joint Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry Lerici (Italy), 8th-11th May 2008 Postgraduate Bursary Application Form Please fill in this form and send it to the Meeting Secretariat Dr. Cosimo G. Fortuna, tel: +39-0957385004, fax: +39-095580138, e-mail: cg.fortuna@unict.it not later than February 20th 2008. Name Affiliation Address Phone Fax E-mail Title of contribution: I enclose a brief CV. If possible, I wish to share the room with 11th RSC-SCI Joint Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry Lerici (Italy), 8th-11th May 2008 Accommodation Form Please fill in this form and send it to Prof. Domenico Spinelli, tel: +39-0512095689, fax: +39-0512095688, e-mail: domenico.spinelli@unibo.it not later than March 14th 2008. Name Affiliation Address Phone Fax E-mail I am coming by car: % Yes % No Preferred hotel: Arrival date: Departure date: Room: % Single or double single occupancy % Double The following 3* hotels have rooms reserved at reduced prices for conference delegates on first arrive-first served basis: Villa Marigola walking distance Florida (+39-0187967332, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:florida@hotelflorida.it" florida@hotelflorida.it,). B/B: single 105 euros, double 140 euros, double single occupancy 120 euros; Byron (+39-0187967104, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hbyron@cdh.it" hbyron@cdh.it). B/B: single 105 euros, double 150 euros, double single occupancy 120 euros; Venere Azzurra (+39-0187965334,e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:info@hotelvenereazzurra.com" info@hotelvenereazzurra.com; hotel HYPERLINK "mailto:venereazzurra@hotelvenereazzurra.com" venereazzurra@hotelvenereazzurra). B/B: double 135 euros, double single occupancy 115 euros. Lerici town (about 1Km from Villa Marigola, participants with cars) Shelley e delle Palme (+39-0187968204, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:info@hotelshelley.it" info@hotelshelley.it) B/B: single 110 euros, double 150 euros, double single occupancy 125 euros; Europa (+39-0187967800, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:info@europahotel.it" info@europahotel.it) or Doria Park Hotels (+39-0187967124, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:direzione@doriaparkhotel.it" direzione@doriaparkhotel.it) B/B: double single occupancy/double depending on room type: Economic/Classic 60/80; Business/Standard 70/90; Bus.Confort/Confort 80/105; Business Superior/Superior 90/115; Top manager/DeLuxe 100/135. Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Do you wish to be considered for a postgraduate bursary? (please circle response) YesNoRegistration Fees before March 14th. After this date 50 must be added to the registration fees. RSC Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group or Societ Chimica Italiana Member 300Non-member of RSC Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group or Societ Chimica Italiana  400Postgraduate Students and Retired Members  150Accommodation deposit 150Total Please send your application form and registration fees (by credit card, cheque or bank transfer, c/c n. 000000171156, SCI-Convegni - CIN E, ABI 03104, CAB 03203 IBAN: IT80 E031 0403 2030 0000 0171 156 SWIFT (BIC): DEUTITM1584 - Deutsche Bank - Agenzia D - Piazza Cuba 2 - 00198 Roma), to the attention of Manuela Mostacci, Societ Chimica Italiana, Viale Liegi 48c, Roma 00198, Italy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:manuelamostacci.sci@agora.it" manuelamostacci.sci@agora.it), not later than 14th March 2008. Credit card % Visa % Eurocard % Mastercard % Carta Si Card n*: Total amount Euro & & & & & . Card holder: Expiration date: Date: Signature: * indicate all 16 card numbers. 67rstvwxȴrcM4M40ha h{|5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(mH phsH *h{|5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(mH phsH hh{|CJHaJHmH sH hh{|5CJHaJHmH sH h{|5CJHaJHmH sH h{|CJ(aJ(mH sH h. h{|5CJ(aJ(mH sH h{|5CJ(aJ('hMh{|5CJ OJQJaJ mH sH *ha h{|56CJ OJQJaJ mH sH ha h{|5CJ OJQJaJ "ha h{|56CJ OJQJaJ 7Xstuvwxyyqfff $dHa$gd{|$a$gd{| $dha$gd{|[kd$$IfF0%m t 6`!%64 l4a$dh$!&`#$/Ifa$gd{|l |09I J i ~ d@gd{|$a$gd{|(gd{|gd{| $d@a$gd{|$a$gd{| $1$a$gd{| $da$gd{|gd{|z}!18ҲmVm?-h1Qh{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH -h1nh{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH -h4h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH h+Sh{|5CJ aJ hq*h{|CJ aJ -h^h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH 'h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH h{|CJ(aJ(mH sH "h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH ha h{|CJ(aJ( ha h{|5B*CJ(aJ(ph8MY_ilops . /   F H ԽԽԽԦq^ԦԦԦԦ$hS{h{|CJ OJQJaJ mH sH $hS{h{|CJ OJQJaJ mH sH -hS{h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH hS{h{|mH sH -hS{h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH -h4h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH 'h{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH -hlh{|B*CJ OJQJaJ mH phsH H I J V W h i z { . 6 > J ϾϚu_L:h{|*h4h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH %h4h{|B*CJ aJ mH phsH (h4h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH "h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH #jh{|UaJmHnHsHtH"h{|5B*CJaJmH phsH %h4h{|B*CJaJmH phsH (h4h{|5B*CJaJmH phsH $h4h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH '~"$RTVt  V $a$gd{|$ &a$gd{|$$i=&a$gd{| BNx 6 V W !9!j!!!!!"G"f""""""#ȽȽtttttttth{|OJQJmH sH hlnh{|OJQJmH sH h{|B*OJQJmH phsH %hlnh{|B*OJQJmH phsH hlnh{|CJaJh*h{|CJ$aJ$h*h{|CJaJh[h{|5CJH*aJh[h{|5CJaJh{|CJaJhrh{|CJaJ-V W :!!!"g"""#b###"$f$g$w$$%%>%?%@%$6 &a$gd{|$$i=&a$gd{|gd{|$a$gd{|#B#a#####$!$f$g$w$$$$$ %%%%%%%9%=%{wdN*h4h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|%h4h{|B*CJ aJ mH phsH (h4h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH "h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH hv h{|mH sH h>h{|CJaJmH sH hrh{|CJaJhlnh{|CJaJh{|OJQJmH sH hlnh{|OJQJmH sH =%>%A%j%%%%%%%%%%%%I&&&&&&&&&&' ' ''<'N'ʼްvcM*h4h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{|56CJOJQJaJmH sH %h4h{|B*CJ aJ mH phsH (h4h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH "h{|5B*CJ aJ mH phsH h{|CJaJmH sH h[h{|5CJH*aJh[h{|5CJaJh{|CJaJhrh{|CJaJh{|$h4h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH @%A%&&&&&&&&#&$&(&)&0&1&2&I&J&`&a&&&&&&$$i=&a$gd{| $dh1$5$9Da$$a$gd{|& ' ' '''''''''''''''"($((((()*gd{| $d@a$gd{|$a$gd{|$ &a$gd{|N'O'd'h'x'y'z''''''''''''(((((()))***zoZ(hd #h{|5B*CJOJQJaJphhlk4h{|CJaJh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlk4h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH %h%h{|B*CJOJQJaJphh{|B*CJOJQJaJph%h,h{|B*CJOJQJaJphh[h{|5CJH*aJh[h{|5CJaJh{|CJaJhrh{|CJaJ*8*9*e*f*g*~***********+++ +!+"+'+n+o+p+쬙lTll.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph.jh%h{|B*CJOJQJUaJph(h*h{|5B*CJOJQJaJph%h%h{|B*CJOJQJaJphh{|B*CJOJQJaJph.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph.jhd #h{|B*CJOJQJUaJph%hd #h{|B*CJOJQJaJph**p+,,,>--z0|0~00001Lkd$$Ifl0> 'Z 4 laP $Ifgd{|1$gd{| $dh1$5$9Da$gd{|$a$gd{|p+~++++++++++',(,),I,J,M,P,,,,,,ب؁q^q^qE0h4h{|5B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH%h%h{|B*CJOJQJaJphh{|B*CJOJQJaJph.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJphh*h{|CJOJQJaJ.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph.jh*h{|B*CJOJQJUaJph%h*h{|B*CJOJQJaJph(h*h{|5B*CJOJQJaJph,,,,,,%-&-'-;-<-=->------ԸԠԸԉrYr=r6jh*h{|B*CJOJQJUaJmHphsH0h*h{|5B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH-h*h{|B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH-h {=h{|B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph6jh4h{|B*CJOJQJUaJmHphsH-h4h{|B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH'h{|B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH-------2.4......J/L/z0|0~0000001141̵̵̵̵̵tiaYMDMYDYDh{|5CJaJh;th{|5CJaJh{|CJaJh{|OJQJh*h{|CJaJh*h{|5CJaJmHsH.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph0h*h{|5B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH-h*h{|B*CJOJQJaJmHphsH6jh*h{|B*CJOJQJUaJmHphsH.jh{|B*CJOJQJUaJph11618111111|occc $$Ifa$gd{| $If^gd{|<kdv $$Ifl4'(4 laPf4 $Ifgd{|<kd $$Ifl4'(4 laPf44181X11111111111124282:2\2̼ycP@h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hDh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH *h=h{|5CJH*OJQJaJmH sH 'h=h{|5CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|5CJaJmH sH h{|h9h{|B*mH phsH h9h{|CJaJmH sH h9h{|5CJaJmH sH h4h{|CJaJmH sH h{|5CJaJmH sH h4h{|5CJaJmH sH h{|CJaJ112222ypddd $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|kd $$Iflru9!$'SR4 laP\2^22222 33B3P3R3T3Z3^3`3b3d3344444444l4n4;ͤn_[;OG[;h{|B*phh{|CJOJQJaJh{|hDh{|B*mH phsH $hDh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hmXh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $h {=h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH  h4h{|h4h{|B*mH phsH $h4h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH 22R3T3`3b3www $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|rkd $$Ifla\u9!$'SR4 laPb3d34444www $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|rkd $$Ifl\u9!$'SR4 laP44l4n4z4|4ww $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|rkd $$Ifl\u9!$'SR4 laPn4p4v4x4z4|4~44444444444444456585d5r555ŵݵ|h|h|hQ-h{h{|B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH 'h{|B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h{h{|B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH h4h{|B*mH phsH $h4h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h{|h{|B*phh{|CJOJQJaJh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hmXh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH |4~44444ww $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|rkdX $$Ifl\u9!$'SR4 laP444444ww $$Ifa$gd{| $Ifgd{|rkd $$Ifl\u9!$'SR4 laP444c7d7e7q7Z8@9Z9|99~ljjbbbbbbdhgd{|$dh13(&a$gd{|$5$7$8$9DH$Ifrkd $$Ifl\u9!$'SR4 laP 55 6 6 60616O6Q6666666ѽ|iYJ;h=h{|CJaJmH sH hLh{|CJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hLh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH -hh{|B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -hh{|B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH 'h{|B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h{h{|B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h*h{|B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH 66!7"7#7?7@7A7E7F7S7T7V7b7c7e7p7ɭtdtdPtEA5h Mh{|5mHsHh{|h4h{|mH sH 'h?Vh{|CJH*OJQJaJmH sH h{|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hLh{|CJOJQJaJmH sH h=h{|CJaJmH sH ,hLh{|0J@ CJOJQJaJmH sH 6j h{|@ B*OJQJUaJmH phLLLsH 1hLh{|@ B*CJOJQJaJmH phLLLsH :jhLh{|@ B*CJOJQJUaJmH phLLLsH p788Z8f8@9V9X9n9|99999999ƻƳƳƳƳƯh*h{|CJaJh{|h{|CJaJh*h{|CJaJh<h{|CJaJh Mh{|CJaJmHsHh~h{|CJaJmHsHh Mh{|5CJaJmHsH999999 $dh1$5$9Da$dhgd{|'         ...)()()()()()0P8$:p{|. 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